Rehabilitation: Fact or Myth

Rehabilitation Fact or Myth Image

In the State of North Carolina there are 30,000+ people assigned to the Department of Corrections.  The majority are guilty of crimes ranging from misdemeanors to felonies.  Some may not be guilty but are victims of a corrupt judicial system.  The big question: Are people being rehabilitated to return and function in society?

Now what is rehabilitation?  Rehabilitation is to restore or bring to a condition of good health, ability to work, or productive activity.  If the prisons “corrects behavior”, then why is the recidivism rate so high?  Some people assume that these Americans that continue to return can’t be rehabilitated.  What is the real reason they continue to return?  Can it be that the system failed to rehabilitate them?

After people paid their debts to society, they are punished again, because not to many people will give them a opportunity to be productive.  The businesses in their community will not hire them, and they are being discriminated against in every facet of their lives.  This public practice of discrimination is inhumane and shows America’s hypocrisy.

VICTIMS OF MISFORTUNE is a feature-length, social change documentary that will give a historical and current look at America’s criminal justice system and the discriminatory policies that people with a criminal background face, post conviction/release.

Victims Of Misfortune will also take a closer look at America’s system of indentured servitude putting the practice in proper historical context.   The United States has 5 percent of the world population, with around 25 percent of the world’s prisoners (over 2.4 million people behind bars). Nearly $70 billion is spent annually on probation/parole, prison and detention centers for immigration detainees.  Once these people are released from prison or have a criminal record, they are then discriminated against for employment, housing, education, governmental benefits and some even deported.

The goal of Victims Of Misfortune, is to boldly confront the problems of America’s criminal justice system, immigration reform, public policies, the impact of prison labor on American workers and also provide valuable solutions to those people who are being discriminated against.   This feature-length documentary will be avail­able for use in order to raise consciousness and organize for reform.

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